With apprehension, I feared checking my own exam results and words "Wait.. what, you're kidding?" left my mouth as my partner read them to me one by one. I couldn't believe what was said so had to see it with my own eyes. On checking, I was shocked to see I had actually done it. My family will be the first to tell you that I was becoming quite the king of pessimism as I continued to dissect all of the questions post-exam. I'm happy to say the eventual results boosted my overall ground school average and have made for a great start to the weekend and what can now be a brilliant Christmas!!
The topics...
Module Two was a really mixed bag and I'm quite pleased to see the back of it if I'm honest with you. Its' questions of varying complexity, and the sheer vastness of content within the Instruments syllabus specifically; made for a real hard time remembering everything. The human mind is, after all, only capable of retaining so much information within such a short space of time. The feeling of relief when passing them first time is truly difficult to describe, especially when Radio Navigation and Instruments were quite tough exams.
I think many of my coursemates would agree with me when I say that never before have I drained as much battery as I have done waiting for this set of exam results to arrive. I must have been refreshing my email inbox every few minutes. During Module One the CAA set the bar when we all received our results at 8am. This time, however, we had to wait until nearly 1pm. The suspense and nerves was killing me. Thankfully though, good things come to those who wait and I scored the following:
I'm relieved to be that one step closer to CTC's hold pool requirement of 85% and with any luck Module Three will allow me to pull that out of the bag.
Just in case any of you are frequent readers and have spotted my Module One and Module Two averages don't quite add up, this would be due to the CAA awarding me an extra mark in my General Navigation exam following somebody else appealing the questions asked.
This weekend most of our CP are taking a well deserved break from the studying before returning on Monday to kick off two weeks of Aircraft General Knowledge before we break up for Christmas. I'm quite thankful that our CPs' timeline happens to fall over the Christmas period as it will be a nice break from constant studying and allow us a longer period to recharge our batteries. The topics we learn in Module Three, some of which i'm looking forward to and others not so much, are:
That's all for now folks! Thanks for following my journey as usual!!
Until next time,
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